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Cannot connect to the Docker daemon

发布于 2016/11/14 14:43 4,581浏览 0回复 9,650

nemo@Cynthia:~$ docker version
 Version:      1.12.1
 API version:  1.24
 Go version:   go1.6.2
 Git commit:   23cf638
 Built:        Tue, 27 Sep 2016 12:25:38 +1300
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?

nemo@Cynthia:~$ docker search ubuntu
Warning: failed to get default registry endpoint from daemon (Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?). Using system default:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?


nemo@Cynthia:~$ sudo docker search ubuntu
NAME                              DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
ubuntu                            Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating s...   5033      [OK]       
ubuntu-upstart                    Upstart is an event-based replacement for ...   68        [OK]       
rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd            Dockerized SSH service, built on top of of...   49                   [OK]
consol/ubuntu-xfce-vnc            Ubuntu container with "headless" VNC sessi...   29                   [OK]
ubuntu-debootstrap                debootstrap --variant=minbase --components...   27        [OK]       
torusware/speedus-ubuntu          Always updated official Ubuntu docker imag...   27                   [OK]
ioft/armhf-ubuntu                 [ABR] Ubuntu Docker images for the ARMv7(a...   19                   [OK]
nuagebec/ubuntu                   Simple always updated Ubuntu docker images...   10                   [OK]
nickistre/ubuntu-lamp             LAMP server on Ubuntu                           10                   [OK]
nickistre/ubuntu-lamp-wordpress   LAMP on Ubuntu with wp-cli installed            7                    [OK]
nimmis/ubuntu                     This is a docker images different LTS vers...   5                    [OK]
maxexcloo/ubuntu                  Base image built on Ubuntu with init, Supe...   2                    [OK]
jordi/ubuntu                      Ubuntu Base Image                               1                    [OK]
darksheer/ubuntu                  Base Ubuntu Image -- Updated hourly             1                    [OK]
admiringworm/ubuntu               Base ubuntu images based on the official u...   1                    [OK]
lynxtp/ubuntu                    0                    [OK]
vcatechnology/ubuntu              A Ubuntu image that is updated daily            0                    [OK]
datenbetrieb/ubuntu               custom flavor of the official ubuntu base ...   0                    [OK]
teamrock/ubuntu                   TeamRock's Ubuntu image configured with AW...   0                    [OK]
labengine/ubuntu                  Images base ubuntu                              0                    [OK]
konstruktoid/ubuntu               Ubuntu base image                               0                    [OK]
esycat/ubuntu                     Ubuntu LTS                                      0                    [OK]
widerplan/ubuntu                  Our basic Ubuntu images.                        0                    [OK]
ustclug/ubuntu                    ubuntu image for docker with USTC mirror        0                    [OK]
webhippie/ubuntu                  Docker images for ubuntu                        0                    [OK]
